Pharmacy, Natural & Health Sciences


Pharmacy Scholarship Opportunities

View all available scholarship at MU's Pharmacy Program. Photo displays a student working in a local pharmacy.


If you are applying to MU's Pharmacy Program or you're already enrolled, we encourage you to apply for scholarships offered through a variety of local and national organizations. Scholarship opportunities are regularly updated. Be sure to bookmark this page and return often to see the newest scholarships available to you. 

Current Scholarship Opportunities Offered Through MU

Apply by Nov. 1 - You will be invited to Pharmacy Scholarship Day.
Apply after Nov. 1 - Anyone with a GPA of 3.0 or higher is invited to Pharmacy Scholarship Day.

*This is a virtual event allowing you to interview and receive a scholarship. Various sessions will provide learning opportunities about the program and there will be a chance to connect with faculty, staff and students.

Other Scholarship Opportunities Offered Outside of MU